Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Meeting Roundup | December 7 2015

We started working on our Chirstmas project!  I can't show you picutres of what it is we actually did because that would ruin the surprise!  So you'll just have to wait and see  :)

But here are a couple pictures before we started!

Fremont Christmas Parade is this Friday!  December 11th.  Please dress your Girl Scout warm!  We'll meet at the Fire Barn in Fremont at 5:30.  The parade starts at 6 p.m.  After the parade, the troop will be caroling at Veteran's Memorial park and you can pick your Girl Scout up there!

Christmas Party at Fremont Lanes - December 21st - click here for more information

There will be NO MEETING over the holiday break from school.

Cupcake Wars - cost $10.  This is a Council event and we MUST register the girls if they want to participate.  Return the Parent Permission Form and $10 to a troop leader ASAP if your Girl Scout wants to go!

MARK YOUR CALENDAR: Troop Christmas Celebration

The Troop Christmas Party is Monday, December 21st in place of our normal meeting.  

Just fill out this Parent Permission Form and send $5 with your Girl Scout (to cover the cost of bowling).

The troop will provide pizza and soda for the night!

Please drop your Girl Scout off at Fremont Lanes at 5 p.m. and plan on picking her up at 7 p.m.

Can't wait!

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Vet School

Last night the Girl Scout council came to Fremont and put on a Vet School clinic for the girls.  It was great!

There were five different stations where the girls learned about how to take care of their pets.  There was a stitches station, bandage, x-ray and checkup, and a station to make dog toys and one for cat toys.

Thank you Girl Scout Council!

Here are some pictures from the event.