Tuesday, June 2, 2015

June 1st Meeting

Last night at the Girl Scout meeting the girls discussed their plans for the summer and the upcoming year.  They have lots of really great ideas and we're going to be busy!

Please begin collecting empty paper towel rolls and dryer lint NOW - we're making campfire starters at our meeting on June 15th.

For the summer, we're going to work on a couple badges, and focus on enjoying the great weather while it's here!  The First Aid badge is coming up, and a campfire/cookout celebration, Amazing Race, and bridging.

NEXT WEEK the meeting will be held at St. Michael's church in Brunswick.  The girls are participating in a flag retirement ceremony with the Knights of Columbus.  The ceremony starts at 6:30 so please have your girl scout there by 6:15 p.m.

The troop will continue to meet every Monday all summer long!
  • June 22 - Bridging ceremony where 2nd year Brownies will "fly up" to become Juniors.  Parents and grandparents are invited! Your girl scout must wear her sash/vest and/or her Girl Scout shirt.  No holy jeans, girls must have their hair combed nicely, and be neat and clean.
  • July 10 - campfire cookout with games. 
  • July 13 - Amazing Race at Branstrom Park, 1-3pm.  There will be no regular meeting this day.

With our Troop expanding and gaining so many girls, we are in need of parent volunteers.  Don't worry - you don't have to lead meetings!  (You can if you want though!)  Mostly we're in need of drivers to get the girls places when we go on outings.  Girl Scouts of Michigan requires all parent volunteers to be registered Girl Scouts and to pass a background check (done at no cost to you).  Please start thinking about ways you could help out the troop over the summer and going into the next school year.  Information will be sent home soon about that process.

Thank you parents for your support this year as we got the troop up and running!  The summer months will bring a lot of fun for the girls and we look forward to planning our next adventures with them!