We are all so bummed that Mother Nature was against us having the Amazing Race yesterday, but on the bright side...we needed the rain!
Amazing Race has been rescheduled for next Monday, July 20th, from 1 - 3 p.m. I hope that everyone is still able to attend, I know they have all really been looking forward to it! And if you did not sign up and are able to go, please let me know and I will get you registered.
Because of the change this week, we have decided to stay on our previously planned schedule and meet next Monday in addition to the Amazing Race. We will be changing it up a little though and meeting at the Fremont Lake Pavilion for a family night! The girls have been dying to get near water and this gives them a chance. The troop will be providing hot dogs and table service, if everyone else could plan on bring a dish to pass and your own beverages. After dinner and the "meeting" is done, the girls will be able to swim with parental supervision. This is due to the stringent guidelines we must follow for water safety!
Family night is a great way for parents to get to know the leaders as well as the other parents better and helps build a stronger troop! And we have a couple of newer girls so this will be a great way to introduce those families to the amazing group of girls we work with.
Wrap up: Friday nights campfire was a huge success! The girls had a blast! The shirts that were made will be delivered to them at the pavilion next Monday. If your daughter did not attend - no worries - we made extra shirts so that everyone will be able to have one. I also have a couple of registration forms for girls that qualified for the 2016 free membership through cookie sales that need to be filled out at Monday's meeting before they expire.
Hope to see everyone on Monday!