Thursday, October 29, 2015

Change for Monday's Meeting!

Monday's meeting is a little different than most.  The troop is earning some volunteer hours through community service!  We are helping with the food truck that comes to the church, and serving the meal afterwards in the church basement.

Please have your Girl Scout to the church by 4:30 p.m. and plan on picking her up at 7:00 p.m.

This is a great opportunity for the girls to help the community be serving those in need.  I look forward to seeing you all there on Monday!

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

It's Halloween!


Order forms and money was due yesterday.  If you didn't turn yours in, please contact a troop leader to make arrangements to immediately drop it off!  

Meeting Notes:
For last night's meeting, we took a break from our regular badge activities to do some Halloween crafts.  The girls love crafts - the messier the better!

The girls started by making monsters with stick on accessories.  And moved on to make painted leaf art!  The painting was their favorite part - it's a very artistic troop!

The troop is scheduled to volunteer next week at the food truck that comes to the church.  Please arrive at 4:30 p.m.  After, the girls are helping serve the meal in the church basement.  The meeting will run a little late, please plan on picking your Girl Scout up at 7:00 p.m.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Falls Sales Info **IMPORTANT**

Our troop is near the end of the fall product sales promotion.  Here is some important information before we wrap it up!

Register to sell magazines and nuts/candy online!  

Go to to sign up.  This makes it so easy to get friends and family involved - you can send them a pre-made email, a text message, and share on social media to invite them to order online!

THE BEST PART: If your girl scout sends 12 or more emails, they earn a special patch for their vest!

Also online: Register online at the link above and design a "MyCreation" giraffe that reflects you!  Reach an online sales goal and get a personalized patch!

Postcard sales

Complete the postcards with names and addresses of family and friends and return the booklet to get a very cool 2015-16 sales patch to display on your vest!

Hand out business cards

The sales kit came with business cards the girls can hand out.  This makes it easy to put a personal touch on asking family and friends to order online.

Due dates & money info

REMEMBER: Money is due when the order is placed.  All money must be turned in October 26 (that's only four days from now!) along with the order forms.

Skills for girls

Girl Scout fundraisers teach valuable life-skills like goal setting, decision making, money management, people skills, and business ethics.  All important things to learn that can be carried into adulthood.

Why we do fundraisers

Fundraisers can be a pain - I know.  There are school fundraisers, girl scout fundraisers, and sports fundraisers.  And all of them are important.  What's so special about doing fundraisers for Girl Scouts?

Girl Scouts introduces your daughters to lots of topics and activities they wouldn't otherwise have access to.  And all of that costs money.  Many troops collect weekly dues at each meeting - our troop is lucky enough to have amazing girls that sell an amazing amount of products so we don't need extra money from the parents.

Last year our troop traveled to different farms to learn about raising livestock and even had the opportunity to bottle-feed baby calves!  This year we've already completed a Geocaching badge and have meal-making coming up soon.  We also do fun activities like movie nights and roller skating!

Thank you parents for your support!  We couldn't do this without you!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Geocaching Success!

The troop had so much fun geocaching last night!  The girls learned how to use a GPS unit to get them where they needed to go.  And they were all able to find the hidden geocache fairly easily!

For this badge, the troop enlisted the help of Mr. Tim Deater, Nora's dad.  He's an avid geocacher and has experience in geocaching as far away as New Mexico!

Mr. Deater hid a special (unpublished) geocache for the troop to practice on at Arboretum Park.  The girls were able to use a GPS to find this one.  There is a real, published geocache nearby, and to find that one, Mr. Deater had the girls use a compass.  Everyone did great!

Thank you Mr. Deater!

Make-Up Info

For all the girls not at the meeting last night, this is going to be a tough badge to make-up.  You'll need to find a geocache on your own!  You'll find information at to help you get started.

The Badge Activity Make-up Form is on the Links page at the bottom under Forms.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Reminder: Geocaching Tonight - Dress Warm!

~ Geocaching Tonight ~

The weather is supposed to be a little chilly, but the rain should hold off until later in the evening.  Wear comfortable walking shoes and a jacket to keep warm!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Girl Scout Harvest Event

Girl Scouts and anyone interested in becoming a Girl Scout

Harvest Party!

Saturday, October 17th    11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Fremont United Methodist Church basement

$2 (covers the badge the girls will earn, and a mason jar

Tons of fun crafts and games planned!  If you know a girl who would like to be a Girl Scout, bring her along!  She can register to be a Girl Scout at the event!

See you there!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

10/12/2015 Meeting Recap

Last night we started our Geocaching Badge!  Oh - how exciting!  It was fun to hear geocaching stories from a few of the girls who had already done it!

For parents who might not know what geocaching is, it's a real-world, outdoor treasure hunting game using GPS-enabled devices. You can find more info at the Geocaching website.

Special thanks to Nora's dad, Tim Deater, for speaking to the troop!

Next week, Mr. Deater will come back and lead us in finding a real geocache outside!  Make sure your girl scout is dressed for the weather!!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Meeting Recap 10/5/2015 (and movie night pics!)

Meeting Update

The girls continued working on their aMuse badge this week.  We talked about different roles girls (and women) play and the girls were asked to choose their favorite female roles.  For most every girl, the list started with popular tv characters & singers like Debbie Ryan from Jessie (on Disney) and Taylor Swift.  Slowly they started to realize that playing a role doesn't only happen on tv or on stage - their parents, friends, and other family also play roles throughout life! 

Important Notes

Fall product sales information went home!!!

Please note: If you have asked or may need to ask for financial assistance for uniform, membership fees, or event registration you must participate in the fall sale to be qualified.
  • Money is due at the time of sale - this is the only fundraiser that GS does that is set up this way.
  • Orders and money are due on October 26
  • Product will be delivered to our unit the week of November 16. Distribution date will be determined after our troop has received the product and it has been sorted out by girl.

Girl Scout Movie Night was a success!!!

Thank you parents for bringing the girls to this last-minute event!  We all had a great time - our troop packed the theater!