Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Meeting Recap 10/5/2015 (and movie night pics!)

Meeting Update

The girls continued working on their aMuse badge this week.  We talked about different roles girls (and women) play and the girls were asked to choose their favorite female roles.  For most every girl, the list started with popular tv characters & singers like Debbie Ryan from Jessie (on Disney) and Taylor Swift.  Slowly they started to realize that playing a role doesn't only happen on tv or on stage - their parents, friends, and other family also play roles throughout life! 

Important Notes

Fall product sales information went home!!!

Please note: If you have asked or may need to ask for financial assistance for uniform, membership fees, or event registration you must participate in the fall sale to be qualified.
  • Money is due at the time of sale - this is the only fundraiser that GS does that is set up this way.
  • Orders and money are due on October 26
  • Product will be delivered to our unit the week of November 16. Distribution date will be determined after our troop has received the product and it has been sorted out by girl.

Girl Scout Movie Night was a success!!!

Thank you parents for bringing the girls to this last-minute event!  We all had a great time - our troop packed the theater!

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