Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Geocaching Success!

The troop had so much fun geocaching last night!  The girls learned how to use a GPS unit to get them where they needed to go.  And they were all able to find the hidden geocache fairly easily!

For this badge, the troop enlisted the help of Mr. Tim Deater, Nora's dad.  He's an avid geocacher and has experience in geocaching as far away as New Mexico!

Mr. Deater hid a special (unpublished) geocache for the troop to practice on at Arboretum Park.  The girls were able to use a GPS to find this one.  There is a real, published geocache nearby, and to find that one, Mr. Deater had the girls use a compass.  Everyone did great!

Thank you Mr. Deater!

Make-Up Info

For all the girls not at the meeting last night, this is going to be a tough badge to make-up.  You'll need to find a geocache on your own!  You'll find information at www.geocaching.com to help you get started.

The Badge Activity Make-up Form is on the Links page at the bottom under Forms.

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