Tuesday, November 24, 2015

11/23/2015 Meeting Recap

We took a break from our regular "badge-earning activities" to do some thanksgiving crafts.  It was lots of fun!

Fall Product is finally in!
I don't know about you but I've been dying to get my hands on all those chocolate goodies I ordered!  And finally they're in!  Everything was distributed last night, just in time to deliver it for the holidays!

If your Girl Scout sold product and wasn't at the meeting last night, please contact Courtney or Amy to make pickup arrangements.

Vet School
Vet school is coming to Fremont!  If you have already signed your Girl Scout up for this event, please remember to pay the $10 registration fee.  (That money is not for our troop, it goes straight to the council to cover the cost of the program.)

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